On February 10th I updated the board software to 3.3.0. This was the beginning of a period where the board has been down a lot. Updating the board, well, I don't seem to have a lot of luck with that (remember the total board wipe of July 2017?). Thankfully, after posting on the phpBB support forum I got in touch with the inestimable Jan Bakker who sorted out everything. In fact he improved the forum a lot in other ways, too. Especially moderating and administering the board will be more convenient for me as of now. Quite a difference from 24 hours ago, when I was about to throw my hands up in the air and delete the board completely
The main reason I updated to 3.3.0 is that updating the board should from now on be a lot easier. So things should be much better, and more stable, from now on. Enjoy!
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